Sunday, April 26, 2009

Looking for Participants!

Ever want to be in a movie? Now is your chance! Send us a short video or audio clip of you talking about your homebirth, why you chose to birth at home, or how it made an impact on your family. :) We want YOUR voice to be heard!

We will have a short release for you to sign, and your recording may be used for promotional needs as well as in the film. We want to create a montage of voices speaking out for homebirth.

The AMA issued a statement last year against homebirth as a safe option for women and babies. ACOG has long been against homebirth. They would love for the only choice for birthing women to be the hospitals and affiliated birth centers, with their climbing cesarean rates. At this point in the United States, a woman walking into a hospital to give birth as a one in three chance of having her baby surgically. At some hospitals it is a one in two chance.

The latest homebirth study shows how safe homebirth is in most cases. Please join us in showing the world (especially the United States and Australia... the rest of the world seems to get it for the most part) how safe and beautiful homebirth can be.

Join Project Homebirth!